Inside issue 8, our regular columnist and go-to girl for stitching advice Jeni Baker reveals her top tips for how to organise your sewing room.
Whether you’re lucky enough to actually have a sewing room, or work on the kitchen table / corner of the sitting room / in the shed, Jeni has practical and inspirational advice to help you spend less time looking for lost scissors and more time being creative.
On our favourite subject of storage, Jeni advises:
“Find a storage brand you like and stick with it. I find bins from the same brand stack easier
and work better together. Buy a few at a time to spread out the cost.”
As well as advice on how to organise your sewing room, Jeni writes for Love Patchwork & Quilting every month with lots of need-to-know information for the modern quilter.
Check out issue 8, on sale now!
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